

"used as a way of encouraging a marching rhythm"

Hello! I'm Henrique Urban Pessoa (HUP) and I welcome you to my Portfolio. Here you'll find some information about me, my career and my work.

This Home page gives a nice overview below, but the CV and Lemonfy pages go more in depth into each subject. Let's keep on with the march!

My Skills

TypeScript (JS)

I've been using JS pretty much ever since I began learning programming, all the way through my whole career so far.

This includes both backend and frontend systems and is almost always paired with some frameworks - such as React, Node.js, Next.js, Astro etc - or some other language - such as HTML, CSS etc.


A core part of my experience, used it for my practical Bachelor's thesis and most of my career. It's been my go-to frontend framework and I've had the chance to use it in many contexts.

.NET Core (C#)

My first professional experience building backends was with .NET Core. I started with the basics, building CRUD REST APIs and such.

I then went on to use it for 3 years and had the chance to go deep into many important concepts. Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, Authentication and Authorization, DB integration, to name a few.


I have worked mostly with relational databases using SQL through my career. I've had the chance to work both directly with SQL commands and with ORMs.

While ORMs can come in handy and spare a lot of effort, the liberty and efficiency of writing your own scripts also has it's place. In addition, it allowed me to delve deeper into some concepts like indexes, table joins, aggregations, triggers and stored procedures.


As far as Cloud, DevOps, CI/CD and SCRUM goes, most of my experience is in Azure.

I also participated in a demand to create the Infra as Code of an old and large system with ARM templates, which had me learn a lot about infrastructure, Cloud resources, app insights etc.


This framework was an eye opener for me. When I started to think about a personal project to work on, some fellow developers suggested Next.js.

At first it was a confusing but interesting challenge, using a fullstack framework. I then did a lot of research and picked up on the fully typesafe monorepo trend.

It was by using the T3 stack that I realized how efficient these new frameworks and libraries allow you to be. And that's also how I put Lemonfy together.


For a short 6 months project, I had the chance to lead the implementation of a few Node.js APIs and put the concepts I'd learned previously to good use.


Honourable mention since it's what I built this site with, but that's my only experience with it.


There are many more libraries, frameworks and systems used within an app's stack which I haven't gone so deep into, or haven't been so relevant, but are worth mentioning.

Such as: Tailwind CSS, tRPC, Prisma, YAML, Docker, Oracle, Express, Redux, Zustand + Immer.

Lemonfy's Editor with the tabs for Happy Birthday.


Lemonfy is my main side project, in which I've been learning a lot of new technologies and honing my skills. I've started working on it on Jul/2022, with the goal of uniting a passion for music with the oportunity to study software development.

The project aims to deliver a software capable of music composition and reproduction. It does so using a tablature notation and digital sound synthesis. It contains a Library page, which lists all Songs composed with the system's Editor, allowing anyone to load up and reproduce a Song's tablature, being able to learn how to play it.

Me doing some trail running with a cute dog.

About Me

I consider myself a very sincere and logical person, with a love for nature and music. I'm also a brazillian with a Bachelor's in one of the country's top Computer Science university (UFMG). And I've been a fullstack software engineer since February 2020.

Ever since I was a teenager, growing up with the introduction of MP3 players and PCs, I developed a love for both music and computers. So I think it came naturally that my 2 main hobbies are playing the guitar and videogames. My family also has a countryside house, so I grew up having lots of contact with nature and feel very attached to it. I most recently started running too, hence the GIF of me doing some trail running.