
Quick Video Demo

(Song starts playing at the 0:57 mark)

In the video above, the first few bars for the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica are created within Lemonfy's Editor. To do so, the first step is defining the Song, giving it a name and an artist. Then, an Instrument is added to it, so that finally Bars and Notes can be inputted and some sound can be made.

These steps illustrate the basic mechanism Lemonfy uses to define Songs. The Note, which is the most basic part of the proccess, defines the pitch that will be played, as well as it's duration and timing. But these values are all relative. A Note's duration and timing depends on the Bar it is in, which defines a tempo. And the pitch will depend on the Instrument that is used to play.

The Instruments themselves also have a few properties and can be created and managed within Lemonfy as well. These properties are used to define the composition and reproduction proccesses. All of this is explained in more details at Lemonfy's homepage, so if you're interested, feel free to check it out.